10 for the Next 10

3 Reasons to Nominate Someone for 10 for the Next 10

We all have someone we admire professionally. Biz 417 wants to know about your career crush, so nominate them for our annual feature.

By Jenna deJong

Feb 11 2021 at 2:20 p.m.

Katie Jones
Photo by Brandon AlmsKatie Jones, Talent Retention Coordinator for the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, was a 10 for the Next 10 honoree in 2020.

What comes to mind when you see these names: Heather Hardinger, Jeff Houghton, Rachel Anderson, Matt Simpson, Brandy Harris, Rob Blevins, Crystal Quade, Elijah Haahr? All of these 417-landers have big ideas and big hearts for southwest Missouri, and they consistently put those ideas into action. We’re on the prowl for leaders like these. We want to know about the leaders who see endless possibilities for our corner of the state. We want to meet the leaders who can’t control their excitement when talking about Springfield’s future. We want to hear their crazy ideas and find out how they are making those dreams come to life. 

Leaders like these fit the bill for Biz 417’s 10 for the Next 10 feature. This annual cover story, featured in our July/August issue, recognizes up-and-coming thought leaders who have big ambitions and put those goals into practice. Feeling hesitant to spread the word about your career crush? Here are three reasons to do it.

Their Projects Could Inspire

Help spread the word about someone’s big visions. Whether it be a project, initiative or cause, ideas like this often create a ripple effect and help ignite other collaborations and projects, too.

It Could Foster Connections

If your nominee is truly a leader and passionate about the region, others will take notice, and soon enough, it’s likely that he or she will be sought-after in the community. Networking and creating connections leads to more opportunities, both personally and professionally, and it also builds a stronger affection for the region at large. Plus, who knows what kind of ideas could come from one coffee date? 

It’s Good Press—for All of Us 

Telling us about the rising stars and the MVPs who live, eat and breathe progress in southwest Missouri is not only great media attention for the companies those people work for, it’s also positive for the entire region.