
How To Make a Successful Cold Call

Boost your cold calling success rates with these tips from a marketing pro.

By Claire Porter

Jul 2018

Cold calling tips
Photo courtesy Shutterstock

Do Your Research

Kudlacz regularly contacts media outlets for her job. She has a hit list of reporters, but she researches who the best person at each organization is for specific messaging and the best time to catch them. “It’s smart to ask if it’s a good time to talk,” she says. “If you’re calling a morning TV producer, obviously you don’t want to call them between 5 and 8 a.m. because they might be working on the show.” Kudlacz also targets her calls by topic so that she sends information to the people most likely to cover it.

Be Concise

“I try to lead with the key details: who, what, where, when, why,” Kudlacz says. Always being mindful of her contact’s time, Kudlacz also has all the information she would need to answer any questions. Coupled with the appropriate research, this strategy means she lands her message quickly and effectively.

Be Persistent, Not a Pest

If your first attempt to reach out was an email, follow up with a phone call. “So often things get lost in inboxes that we find connecting over the phone is so much more helpful,” Kudlacz says. She references her original email and offers to resend information without badgering or sending emails into the ether. 

Set the Tone

“Your emotions and your attitudes really come across on the phone,” Kudlacz says. “We try to set ourselves up in an environment that’s comfortable and enjoyable. I personally like to stand up and smile throughout a conversation, making sure I come across as positive and engaged. It translates over the phone more than people realize, and if you’re not excited about something, why would that person [you’re calling] be excited about it?”