Women in Business
How Spencer Fane’s Camber Jones is Finding Time to Breathe
A lot has changed since we chatted with Camber Jones about equality in the courtroom. Here she shares how she's navigating this year's unique challenges.
By Lillian Stone
Nov 06 2020 at 2:03 p.m.

Biz 417: It’s been a year since we talked. What’s new?
Camber Jones: I had my daughter in January, so I came back from maternity leave and went right into working from home. Trying to get back into a day-to-day routine was really strange, as was figuring out childcare in the pandemic. I made the decision to find a nanny rather than navigate pandemic daycare, and I set up our bedroom as my home office. I also work to create a distinction between work time and family time, which might mean starting and ending work earlier than usual so I can have time with my daughter before she goes to bed, or going back to work once she’s in bed.
Biz: Do you see the pandemic leaving a lasting impact on the legal field?
C.J.: It was definitely a change when courts went fully virtual. Every hearing was telephonic, and some of my colleagues even had trials conducted via Zoom. I’ve also really leaned into flexibility and balance. Like many attorneys, I’m a very Type A person—so I’ve had to learn to go with the flow a lot more. I think that’s valuable to the practice of law, because we’re seeing flexibility with a lot of things we’d previously approached in a very rigid way. As a new mom, it’s been valuable to have that flexibility. For example, I don’t have to worry about working from home since everyone’s doing it.
Biz: How are you staying sane?
C.J.: I’ve gotten back into running. It kept me sane before the pandemic, and it’s a great release. I also love baking chocolate chip cookies, so they cancel each other out—but that’s okay.