
Utilizing Digital Communication

As director of client services at The Alchemedia Project, an advertising agency headquartered in Springfield, Stephanie Hart uses digital calendar systems and programs to keep her clients and her team members in constant communication.

By Savannah Waszczuk | Photo courtesy The Alchemedia Project

Jan 2017

Pick a Software

There are many tools that can manage calendars, project timelines and other responsibilities, and the first step is identifying one that best meets your company’s needs. “If your needs are mostly for simple calendar configuration, there are simple ways to do that,” Hart says. At The Alchemedia Project, team members update their Microsoft Outlook calendars and share them, a basic purpose also accomplished with Google Calendar. Other programs, such as Basecamp and Microsoft Project, also offer varying degrees of task list organization and project management support. 

Pick a Champion

Whether you pick a basic calendar system or something a bit more complex, there will likely be individuals who need help learning how to use it. Select an individual who is well educated on your chosen solution as a champion, and have them present a tutorial on the new system to the entire staff. Also make sure they are available for additional help and ongoing support.

Get Everyone on Board 

“These systems can make your life much easier, but they only work well if they’re broadly adopted and utilized by the entire team,” Hart says. Stress the importance of using the systems to current staff members, and thoroughly train new employees on the systems when they join the team.
