Join The Legacy Network: Introducing Biz 417’s Transformative Leadership Program
The Legacy Network is a six-month program is the next step in crafting a lasting legacy and succession plan for your career.
by Jordan Blomquist
Apr 03 2024 at noon

Biz 417 is proud to announce The Legacy Network, a program designed to enhance participants’ leadership skills, expand their network and amplify their influence to craft a lasting legacy. Hosted at Drury University, this professional development program runs from September 2024 to March 2025 through six half-day sessions.

“I have a lot of people asking us how to ‘up’ their business skills. You are filling a gap here with The Legacy Network”— Jack Stack—Founder, President and CEO SRC Holdings Corporation
Biz 417 is bringing together some of the brightest minds and subject matter experts in our region to develop curated programming, offer unparalleled access to mentors, foster connections within a peer network and ultimately elevate their personal and professional growth. These experts include Jack Stack, David Cameron, Lori Robertson, Don Harkey, Spencer Harris, Karen Shannon, Stephanie Anderson, Thomas Douglas, Brett Baker and more.
Each roundtable day will feature a different program theme:
• September: Your Personal Development
• October: Your Career Growth
• November: Developing and Aligning Your Team
• January: Your Mental Health and Wellness Roundtable sponsored by Burrell Behavioral Health
• February: Your Business & Financial Acumen
• March: Creating and Executing Your Plan
If you're interested in becoming a roundtable sponsor, email Logan Aguirre at logan@417mag.com.
“As more and more top leaders retire, more and more high-performing leaders are going to be tapped to step into those roles. Let’s help them be as prepared as possible and also have a circle of influence to turn to when they need insight, help or just a reminder that, hey you’re doing great.”— Logan Aguirre—Publisher, Biz 417
Who it is for: This application-based program is ideal for those who have experience in a manager, director or C-level position and are looking to build their skillset, vision and influence. The first class will be recognized at Think Summit in April 2025.
When to apply: Applications for this year are closed—check back again for updates.