
So the Capital Improvements Sales Tax Has a Longer Life. Now What?

What to expect from The City of Springfield Public Works within the next year, including construction projects and road improvements.

By Jenna DeJong

May 2019

Construction Projects around Springfield, MO
Photo courtesy The City of Springfield Department of Public InformationFunds from the recently passed Capital Improvements Sales Tax are going toward expanding Primrose Street.

April 2 marked the passing of Proposition S, but voters also favored Question 1, passing the City’s one-fourth–cent Capital Improvements Sales Tax, which has a 20-year sunset provision. Within the next 20 years, the tax is expected to generate more than $11 million annually, according to a press release. The passing did not include a sales tax increase. 

Assistant Director of Public Works Martin Gugel says the timeline allows for larger projects, more funding opportunities and the ability to plan for the unexpected. Using this tax, Public Works plans to begin and wrap up the following construction projects around the City of Springfield within the year: 

Location: Primrose Street (South to Kimbrough)
Estimated Cost: $2,381,698
Timeline: Bids opened January 22, estimated completion is October 2019 
Project: Construction on Primrose Street begins in the summer during decreased school traffic. This is the last leg in making Primrose five lanes from Glenstone to Campbell Avenues. This project focuses on the stretch between South Avenue and Clay Avenue along Kickapoo High School frontage. 

Location: Grant & Division intersection improvements
Estimated Cost: $224,814.25 
Timeline: Bids opened February 5, estimated completion is June 2019 
Project: Gugel says this smaller scale project focuses on traffic signal replacement, ADA improvements and minor geometric improvements.  

Location: Jefferson Avenue Footbridge
Timeline: Estimated bid date is fall 2019 
Project: This project also receives funding from the one-eighth–cent Transportation Sales Tax.