Chicken Neapolitan Soup with Mezzaluna Ravioli
Chicken soup and ravioli become best friends in this recipe by Nicola Gilardi of Nicola's Ristorante.

Serves 4. Best paired with William Hill Chardonnay. Recipe by Nicola Gilardi of Nicola's Ristorante.
2 sticks of butter
4 carrots, cleaned and sliced
2 green peppers, diced
½ yellow onion, diced
½ cup chicken broth
½ cup water
½ cup chicken, cooked and chopped
½ cup diced ham
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 bag of four-cheese mezzaluna ravioli
2 cups cream
To prepare
Add butter, carrots, green peppers, onion, chicken broth and water (at least a half cup, more if desired) to a large pan. Heat to a simmer.
Add chicken and ham, and let simmer with your broth mixture. Turn heat to low, and simmer for about 30 minutes.
Add cream, plus kosher salt and pepper to taste. (Note: Don’t forget your ham will add salt to the soup as well.)
Last add ravioli, and wait for ravioli cook and raise to the top of soup. Serve.