
Analyzing Workforce Trends in Southwest Missouri

Two entities survey workforce trends to identify how they can close the skills and training gaps felt by today's businesses.

By Haley Phillips

Jul 2019

2019 Momentum Survey results in Springfield, MO.
Photo courtesy Shutterstock

Though businesses show no sign of stopping their search for qualified workers, this year’s Momentum Survey results show a decrease in usage of training resources for new hires compared to last year. Mary Ann Rojas, director of Workforce Development for the City of Springfield, is passionate about changing these results. According to Rojas, many employers are unaware other businesses are facing the same hiring challenges. To combat these concerns, Rojas, along with the Ozark Region Workforce Development Board, is working to implement long-term programs to further close the skills and training gaps felt by today's businesses.

Resources Used to Meet Training Needs in the Local Workforce

Results of the Workforce Development for the City of Springfield's Momentum Survey shows a comparison between 2019 and 2018. Results below show percentages of employees using a particular training method.
Internal Training

2019: 69%
2018: 74%


2019: 35%
2018: 48%

Online Resources/Workshops

2019: 31%
2018: 36%

Community/Vo-Tech Schools

2019: 19%
2018: 24%

Outside Consultants

2019: 18%
2018: 22%

Local Four Year College

2019: 11%
2018: 14%

Missouri Job Center

2019: 10%
2018: 11%

Training Not Required

2019: 7%
2018: 4%
